> Jim had replied, in part...
> ...
> > > BUT .... If the puck went directly in off B's foot, no goal.
> > > If you ask me why, I'll cry ....
> >
> >   That particular wrinkle is not covered by the rules as given; why
> should
> > this situation be treated any differently than any other case in which a
> > goal is scored off a defender's body/skate/stick, i.e., it counts ??
> 15.c. A goal shall not be allowed in any of the following cases:
>     (1) If an attaching player strikes the puck with a stick carried above
>          the height of the crossbar of the goal frame (4 feet (1.22m));
> ...
This of course brings to mind, Attached to what?  Maybe it means if he is
attached to the ice....  Hmmm.  I think they need to clarify that rule a
bit.  :-)
Tom Rowe                                          [log in to unmask]
Home of Division 3 National Champion Pointers
89, 90, 91 & 93 and National Runners Up 92 & 98
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