Tim Bray writes:
>I think EP's political and ethnic views are not that hard to understand.
>Hard to empathize with, but not hard to penetrate.  I also think they are
>wrong, shallow, and uninteresting.  The poetry, on the other hand, is very
>hard to understand but both deep and interesting.
I cheer. And while I'm cheering, may I recommend chapter 1 of Northrop
Frye's _The Educated Imagination_, "The Motive for Metaphor"? Frye does an
excellent job of sorting things out -- things like William Butler Yeats's
belief in fairies, T.S. Eliot's desire to turn most of us into an
illiterate peasantry, and D.H. Lawrence's thing about flogging, and, on the
other hand, William Butler Yeats's poetry, T.S. Eliot's poetry, and D.H.
Lawrence's poetry.
Jonathan Morse