Hear, hear!
Spoken in the spirit of _Il Miglior Fabbro_ himself. [He would have LOVED
email.] {Pardon the shouting   ;-)  }
Chris Booth
> ----------
> From:         Burt Hatlen
> Reply To:     Ezra Pound discussion list of the University of Maine
> Sent:         Tuesday, October 19, 1999 2:04 PM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      Re: know thy kulture 101
> I am the "owner" of the Pound list.  I don't know the technical
> terminology, so please excuse any non-cypberspeak locutions in what
> follows.  Anyway:  I do not screen any of the messages that appear on
> the list.  I wouldn't know how to screen them, even if I wanted to,
> although I suppose that someone on the technical support staff here at
> the University of Maine could help me out, if I asked.  But I began the
> list with the understanding that anyone who wanted access to it would
> have such access, and I remain committed to that principle. Better no
> list at all than one that is subject to the control of one individual.
> I certainly found the posting in question offensive.  I have found
> several other postings offensive, over the history of the list. I find
> a significant potion of Pound's own pronouncements offensive. But I
> don't believe that I have the right to censor Pound or the contributors
> to this list.
> Burt Hatlen