Earlier today, I wrote:
>Perhaps though you and others would be interested to know (if you don't
>know already) that there is a new Pound biography in the >course of being
>prepared by Professor Moody at York University. >Since I know this only
>because it has been announced ("Not yet >available") on amazon.co.uk I
>can't tell you anything about it >except that I would expect it to be well
>worth reading. If Professor >Moody can hear us, I wonder whether he'd care
>to tell
>us something to whet our appetites?
Of course I should have added that Professor Moody is the author of the
Cambridge Companion to TS Eliot and other books on Eliot, and is himself a
poet. "Well worth reading" sounds rather bland; I meant it with genuine
enthusiasm, having a reason for saying so.
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