Thanks, Alex. Yes, of course I checked the all the
biographies. Yes, the bit about the insane asylum is
cited,or paraphrased, but I'm looking for something
that could have come from Gronchi (and therefore I
suppose contains some reference to Italian politics).
It's important because it mattered to ep enough that
he was still thinking about it two years later, and it
could establish the meaning of the famous fascist
--- Alexander Schmitz <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Wayne -
> much has been written about EP's backgound, his
> family etc. I have NEVER heard
> anything about a black nanny. And cdn't imagine one
> either.
> When he left the Xtofero Colombo in Naples - didn't
> he tell the press there that
> he could not imagine any sane American living
> OUTSIDE an insane asylum? Did you
> check Stock, Carpenter?
> alex
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