I find Mr P's continuing, heated, personal attacks on
me - "this Billy fellow" - unduly vicious and vehement
given the fact that my only desire in sending out the
script was to bring to the group's attention a piece
of dramatic writing about Pound which (i believed)
might open up a fertile ground of discussion, and one
which many Pound scholars have misunderstood,
(e.g.: one biographer writing that the Wandjina were
African deities!) The play has been well-received by
audiences and critics round the world, and I was
not looking for either kudos or markets... only
interested readers and a play of ideas.  I feel like
reminding Mr P of Pound's view: "you can spot
the bad critic when he starts with the poet instead
of the poem."  I have the feeling he'd like to ride
me out of town - or the group - on rail. And for what?
Wanting to share another line of thought - another
point of view?
Please understand, I do I see this group as being "my
audience". The play wasn't written for you. And besides,
you're muchtoo small and lacking in influence to do
anything at all for me in terms of the theatre world... a
world which I am sure many of you stay well clear of.
However, I would suggest to Mr P -  assuming he is
possessed of intellectual curiosity  - that he at least read
the play before slanging off at me. He might be
pleasantly surprised. Mary and others associated with
the Pound estate read it in ms form before it was published
by Harper/Collins,  and gave it their blessings, as well
as permission to quote from Pound's poems, etc.
Again... if there is anyone left in the forum who has
not read the play or who is willing to set aside whatever
prejudices which might be keeping them from reading it,
it can be accessed at
URL  http://mycomm.excite.com/mycomm/browse.asp?cid=129973
Having said this I will say no more.... let's finish it here, all right?
another measured response (!)  from Billy Marshall Stoneking
----- Original Message -----
From: Daniel Pearlman <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 1999 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: the Stoneking Play
> Alex,
> I am talking about the imposition on listmembers of UNWANTED
> long files, whether sent as attachments or email inclusions.
> What further pisses me off--and should bother all "academics"--
> is Billy's sneering putdown of the entire class of academics,
> as though Pound would have justified this snottiness, when in
> fact EP would have liked nothing better than to have become
> a REAL professor rather than just working out of his own
> Ezuversity.  It strikes me, as it should you, rather ironic
> that this Billy fellow should openly express contempt for
> the very audience he is trying to reach!
> ==DP
> At 09:15 AM 8/19/99 +0100, you wrote:
> >Dan,
> >
> >the problem was that, although Mr Stoneking seemed to having mailed his
> play as
> >an attachment, it didn't arrive here as an attachment. Attachements
> usually are
> >no problem to read. If an attachement text is part of the eMail proper,
> however,
> >I don't know what to do with the loads of MIME-formatted ASCII's. That
> the
> >reason why, after having asked Billy to mail me the play, I had to ask
him a
> >second time. It was the same: It didn't arrive here as an attachment but
> >the garbage part of his eMail. So I had wasted a good online half hour
> >NOTHING [& I have to pay my bills myself; my PC stands in my office at
> home, not
> >in a university].
> >
> >Which I see as more or less MY problem & not Billy's. Obviously I cannot
> blame
> >HIM for having got garbage in my PC instead of a play on EP. Mr
> I'd
> >venture to say without having "seen" the play, is a Poundian; thus he
> belongs in
> >the family and thus his play(s) deserve(s) our attention and not our
> disapproval,
> >no matter how new or old, how fast or slow our modems are. Le style c'est
> >homme.
> >
> >alex
> >
> Dan Pearlman
> 102 Blackstone Blvd. #5
> Providence, RI 02906
> Tel.: 401 453-3027
> email: [log in to unmask]
> Fax: (253) 681-8518
> http://www.uri.edu/artsci/english/clf/
> Department of English
> University of Rhode Island
> Kingston, RI 02881
> Tel.: 401 874-4659