Thanks, fellow-Pounders. Sure, I got it downloaded this a.m., without ANY
problems. Excuse my "iggurrance"...
BUT nevertheless I'm pretty much d'accord with Bill & his unsureness about this
picture as an artistic reaction (free association or whatever) to the Cantos. I
also am afraid that maybe I'm too stuck in Gaudier-Brzeska, Brancusi, Lewis,
BLAST and so on to be able to see a figure made up of kitchen utensiles might
have anything SERIOUS to do with il Canti. It's good to know & see that there are
artists devoting own works to EP. That's one thing. It's quite another thing to
go & detect any intimate connections between writer & artist.
If I didn't make myself clear enough: Have a look into the exquisite "Beauy Is
Difficult - Homage to Ezra Pound", publ. by the Museo d'Arte Modena - Bolzano
1991. I haven't seen anything better on that subject [although the Ivancich on EP
and Italy and then "Pound's Artists" were excellent]...
So I hope there is no "crockery broken" by my "dissident" remarks. They touch on
age-old problems re reception, interpretation, etc, nothing less, nothing more.