A few weeks ago I sent the list a distress call about the old Paige
_Selected Letters_. It's now out of print, I cried, and no other
inexpensive selection of Pound's letters is available, and I'm scheduled to
teach a Pound class this fall. But today New Directions writes:
> We are preparing a
>new edition of the LETTERS, which has been delayed because of the illness
>of the editor, but with this new edition in the offing we are reluctant to
>reprint the old Paige edition. We will, however,  be happy to authorize you
>to have the edition photocopied for a fee of $3.00 per copy.
That saves my class, and for the long term it promises us on the list a
wonderful new present. Thanks to all of you for your suggestions and offers
of help.
And once again New Directions proves that it's a worthy alumnus of the
Jonathan Morse