New to the ME-Hockey list JasonC wrote, in part ..
>             ...  I remember the problems Maine had later, but I'm not sure
>of the specifics.  I can remember the ineligible player (Tardif?) was a
>grad student without the necessary credits, then the NCAA scrutiny came and
>a lot of other stuff came out in the open.  Am I right? Can anyone educate
>me and fill me in on the details.  I get real frustrated reading the Boston
>media now and hear the talk that Maine hasn't "paid their penance" yet.  To
>me, the stuff was mostly minor and nothing more that any other D1
>competitive school does, whether inadvertantly or not.  I get in a lot of
>"office debates" about it and want to defend Maine with more information.
>Please fill me in.
The archives of this list has a wealth of information and
misinformation.  I'm sure one of the administrators can tell you how to
search or get the old articles.
Better is the final report of the NCAA.  A summary of it is available
cheers, wayne
Wayne T. Smith
[log in to unmask]                          Old Town Landing
Co-owner of the College Hockey lists - Hockey-L and Hockey3