Thousands of years ago, Nostradamus predicted that Eeyore would say on
Wednesday, March 10, 1999 3:06 PM:
>> I think you're getting gouged.
>You pay what you think it's worth.  I enjoy the games enough, that at
$20.00, I
>don't feel gouged.
I try to stay out of oneupsmanship, but I hope some of you find this
North Dakota has 6,000 seats, and there is currently much more demand
supply.  I would guess that 1/3 is general admission student seating
the Lord, paid for via student fees: non-hockey fans subsidized my seat
I've heard that they set aside 100 seats for individual game tickets
are eaten up on the first morning they're offered in September).  The
go to season tickets (~$11 per game, $230 total).
Unfortunately, I had to graduate last spring so I got to find out about
economics of North Dakota hockey season tickets.
The way that they decide who gets tickets is by one's rank (annual gift)
the Fighting Sioux Club (boosters).  It seemed that if I gave less than
$300, it was not a safe bet that I would get tickets.  So, in addition
the $230 face value, we donate $300+ for a grand total of $24/game.
makes you want to wish they were 5th in the WCHA again... (somebody slap
The new $50M 12,000 seat arena will be a mixed blessing since I suspect
Fighting Sioux Club donations will drop drastically once people don't
to compete for seats.
Go $ioux    (just kidding, I don't feel it's that bad)
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