The Alumni Association is sponsoring an all-inclusive trip to the Frozen
Four in Anaheim. Their package price is $750.00 per person. For that price
you get round-trip flight, game tickets and hotel accomodations. Not Bad eh?
For more information contact Sue Poulin at 581-2586 or1-800-934-2586
If all you want is airfare Bangor Travel is trying to put together a charter
flight. They need to have firm commitments be 5:00pm TODAY! There flight is
leaving Bangor at 6:45am on March 31 and returns to Bangor on April 5th. The
price is $506.00 For more information on this flight contact Bangor Travel
at 207-942-5050.
For those of you going to Anaheim there will be a rally at the
Sheraton-Anaheim, in the Junior Ballroom on Thursday, April 1 starting at
11:00am Pacific Time. Come on all you UMaine fans. Get out to the rally and
support the team!!!!!
If you can't go to Anaheim to cheer on the team send them a FAX. UMaine is
staying at the Doubletree and their Fax number is: 714-978-2370
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