Canto XXXIV (top of page 166 in my handy ND paperback edition):
     "The fifth element: mud." said Napoleon.
Chris Booth
> ----------
> From:         C.Brandon Rizzo
> Reply To:     Ezra Pound discussion list of the University of Maine
> Sent:         Sunday, March 28, 1999 3:51 PM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      Re: Kosovo
> Interesting how this list should turn to politics?
> As for Pound's poetic "eternal war / between light and mud"...It seems,
> seems,
> as if solid ground has turned to soup. Is not light, the nature of light,
> to
> be aggressive, to devour all darkness, penetrate all shadow, to dry up the
> wet
> ground, to restore terra firma? It seems, seems, as though NATO is a
> REACTIONARY force, a so-called aggression moving in a natural course, no?
>                                   But...
> any intellectualizing, any debate via this forum is null; there are dead
> to be
> counted. What can the average American, such as myself, truly know about
> any
> situation outside of our front-yards? CNN is certainly not the answer,
> simply
> a facsimile of detail.
> Anyway, I've put my limited opinion on the chopping block.
> C.Brandon
> Boston