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Sorry to have to bring this in now, but I recieved a mail re. my post
yesterday snd Pound's Fascism.  I would just like to make a few remarks
and that be the end of it.  I do think the topic is an important one,
but not really for this site.
If F. was insinuating that since pound knew Anglo-Saxon he must have
known German, I must point out that German has changed.
Now, I think that F. is right in saying that my argument yesterday was
weak, simply because I did not and do not want to make a full argument.
Distinctions have to be made to discuss this issue which have not really
been made (to my knowledge), and which require some debate.  the
distinctions, briefly, would be between Anti-Semitism and Fascism.
Italian Fascism and German National Socialism. And Pound's own brand of
anti-Semitism would need to be comprehensively reviewed.  Pound made the
point in one of his Radio Rome speeches that he had grown bored of
German at university (I believe the spech was from 1942 between May and
July, unfortunately I can't look this up as the only copy I know of is
in the British Library and is impossible for me, at this date to get
hold of).   Then goes onto discuss Mein Kampf! And the discussion was
highly imperceptive (and Mein Kampf hardly requires imagination). Sadly,
this point has to be made because of the false association between
Italian and German fascism.  what alway lurks in the corners of any
discussion of Pound's anti-Semitism is the idea that Pound was
supporting the Final Solution -- and had he read Mein Kampf properly he
would have been aware of the possibility.  there is a tangle of ideas
here that takes some impersonality to unravel.  The conjecture I made
yesterday was not intended as a solid argument.  The evidence available
to us does not require it --- it was superflous.
Many thanks to Tim for his help. however, I can't seem to find the poem.
Do you have the New Directions version?  I have the Faber version,
perhaps they are different or I'm blind.  I'll look again.  It's
heartening to know that Pound had trouble with Calvacanti, and even more
heartening that some of you do too.
Also, I found this discussion group on someone's web page (can't
remember the name)that mentioned a video about Pound.  I contacted the
publishers that the page mentioned, but was told that they lost the
rights 2 years ago.  Does anyone know where I can find this? Similarly,
I'd like to know where I can find Pound reading Mauberley, I have the
Gypsy and Usura poems, but understand that on Pounds 1939 visit he
recored three hours worth at Harvard... i think I only have a third of
that.. where do I find the rest?
Sorry again about the Fascism discussion, I don't expect replys, unless
F. would like to.
Ben Basan
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