Dear Georg, dear Dan,
thanks a LOT for your good words. The story of this small book [which must NOT be
understood as ANY kind of replacement for Eva Hesse's work!!] is somewhat
strange, as it orginated in a quite voluminous text on "EP & Eastern Mythology"
in 1985 [it was planned to be out then, i.e. for EP's 100th birthday];
unfortunately the publ. house was sold only a couple of WEEKS before publication
date. So I kept brooding on that mss, frequently altering it as new
important 2ndary lit. came pouring in. Etc etc: There are still plans to get that
more in-depth-study into print, but alas it's not the easiest job to get a German
publisher to do a book on WHOM? So I had to be content with this little
introductory thing. If it can get only 3, 4, or 5 German students of Americ. Lit.
to get into EP it wd have been worthwhile.
Thanks again. I feel VERY proud & "at home" with all those wonderful people on
this list.
"I am homesick after mine own kind
Oh ye, my fellows: with the seas between..."