line 3:
"my surrounding air hath a new lightness;" (because I have left her
lately. ie. I feel 'lightness' because I am on my own).
"slight are her arms, yet they have bound me straitly" (she binds me
'straitly.' I don't have a dictionary here but straitly seems
negative--like her arms are slender (pos.), YET she binds me straitly).
since this line leads into the cloaked, ether, sweet leaves, clearness,
but you are right--sweet leaves and subtle clearness don't seem negative,
except that as far as parallel structure is concerned they describe how
she "cloaks" him.
do you think the poem is based on anything else? I was reading an old
issue of paideuma in which an article related various poems in ripostes to
romanticism (esp. Keats).
what do you think is the significance of the title?
p.s.--thanks for your help :)