The question of EP's sanity is another and very complicated thing. In the clinical sense [is that the
right word?] he of course was insane or rather suffered from attacks of insanity and in his later
years even from something we today might call Alzheimer disease. He complains often - in letters
to Laughlin, Cornell and others - about "being empty in his head". But the most prominent trait of
his illness must have been his paranoia. There are uncountable examples of typical paranoid
behavior on EP's side. And I believe that even Maryde Rachewiltz wd subscribe to this. And
Hugh Kenner.
So - are Rock-Drill, Thrones, and the Fragments "insane poetry"? Are they poetry at all? Maybe
Philip Kuberski's "Calculus of Ezra Pound", I've just started to read will provide some intelligent