KevinT wrote, in part..
>As the playoffs are approaching, I thought I would take a stab at where
>Maine and the others are going to be playing in the
>forthcoming weeks.  I see the final regular season standing ending up
>like this :
>(1) BU - already clinched
>(2) BC
>(3) UNH
>(4) Northeastern
>(5) Maine
>(6) UMass Lowell
>(7) Providence
>(8) Merrimack
>(9) UMass Amherst
>This pits the Black Bears against Northeastern in the quarterfinals.
>This should prove to be a tightly-contested series
>between two evenly matched teams.  I just hope Maine can match
>Northeastern's intensity!
Don't count on Mathews Arena just yet!  UNH and BC are both strong
possibilities.  Also, MC does not necessarily edge out UMass, but I'll
avoid explaining what needs to happen ...  at least on this list :)
>P.S.  I'm sure a lot of you have secured tickets for the upcoming
>HE playoffs at the Fleet as well as the Final 4 thereafter.
>Are there any kind of get togethers being planned ??  Maybe FoMH are
>planning something??
The Hockey-L crowd will be getting together during the Final4.  Between
the two semi-final games on Thursday April 2, about 100 of us will meet
for the annual Hockey-L dinner at a restaurant near the FleetCenter.
All of you folks are of course welcome and invited ($14pp, includes tax
& tip).  For more info in the dinner, please contact Karen Ambrose
([log in to unmask]).  I'm sure we'll have more informal get-togethers
at the games and in between (many of the Hockey-Lers are staying at the
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Yours in college hockey,
wayne        ME '70 EPs
Wayne T. Smith          Systems Group -- UNET Technology Services
[log in to unmask]           University of Maine System
Co-owner of the College Hockey lists - Hockey-L/Info-Hockey-L/Hockey3