did you mean ALL of the short wave things from Radio Rome? In a letter from Eva Hesse and
her husband of 8/85 attached to my edition of Doob's selection I find this (I try to translate as
accurately as possible):
"The transcripts of 177 radio speeches in/with 468 pages (Oct 2  [....] - July 26 1943 have been
available as early as in 1945 from the Library of Congress and ldter from the National Archives
Records Service, Washington, DC for $93,60. Leonard Doob (expert for psychological warfare,
cf. his book, traveling for CIA) has edited the speeches on orders from Mary i. e. the Pound Lit.
Prop. Trust in order to get hold of the copyright for the Trust, so  that they [the speeches] couldn't
furthermore be quoted or be reprinted by other authors free of charge.
"The more immediate reason [for Doob's publication] was the publication of "Certain Radio
Speeches of Ezra Pound", ed. William Levy, Rotterdam, Cold Turkey Press 1975 with the
beautiful copyright-note: "Copyright (c) 1975 for Ezra Pound, his heirs and concubines."
"As can be proved Doob has suppressed at least  58 speeches, much likely in order to influence
the results of his statistic analysis (pp 417-425)."
But still, Robert (altho I think you know about this one!): the book in question is, of course,
"Ezra Pound Speaking. Radio Speeches of World War II", Leonard Doob, ed.; Greenwood 1978.
Don't you agree, Robert, that putting up such an "EP basic reading ideogram" as you did - and
thanks, of course, but... - belongs to the most complicated tasks one cd imagine? But it's Sunday
morning, I've got time today, and so here's my HUMBLE variation or call it addenda to Robert's
1)  J. P. Sullivan on "Ezra Pound's Sextus Propertius. A Study in Creative Translation", 1964,
2)  J. J. Espey on "Pound's Mauberley. A Study in Composition", 1955,
3)  Guy Davenport's reworked doct. diss. "Cities on Hills" on Cantos I-XXX (UMI, 1982)
the above three as seperate studies of most important EP works & aspects, while the following
cover a wider range of EP topics:
4)  Donald Davie's two studies "Poet as Sculptor" of 1964 and "Towards a Pedestrian Reading"
  of 1972, bth collected in Davie, "Studies in Ezra Pound. Chronicle and Polemic", 1991,
5)  the "New Approaches to Ezra Pound", edited by Eva Hesse, 1969, and lastly and maybe, say,
  more for "intermediates onward
6)  Bacigalupo's "Formed Trace", 1980.
OK. Honi soi qui mal y pense [or somesuch].