On Wed, 11 Feb 1998 21:13:59 -0500 wrote...
what was it specifically about VV that made you weepy?
Le Paradis n'est pas artificiel
>>                                             but is jagged
>this reminds me:
>i saw the voices and visions ep thing the other day and was facinated. (been
>looking for it for year [unable to buy it], and they have it at the library
>the whole end sequence brought tears to my eyes.
>any thoughts?
>        There are no hierarchies, no infinite, no such many as mass,
>        there are only
>        eyes in all heads
>        to be looked out of
>                             -charles olson, from "letter 6" (of the maximus
>                                 poems)
Robert E. Kibler
Department of English
University of Minnesota
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                fortunatus et ille, deos qui novit agrestis,
                Panaque Silvanumque senem Nymphasque sorores.