Friday's game from certainly spectacular for this
Lowell fan. What was rewarding was the constant
praise for the Lowell effort from the
broadcasters. Having Joe Bertagna doing the color
on FOXSN games certainly can lead to a possible
conflict of interest and this indeed happened much
to the chagrin of Bertagna I'm sure. He's got to
remember that as the commisioner of the league,
he's not as free to comment on the officiating as
other color man might be. He caught himself making
some remarks that he immediately retracted once he
realized what was going on. :) There was also some
considerable commentary during breaks in the play
that concerned the ongoing discussions on the net.
Bertagna was careful not to step on any toes nor
mention any specific net resources but he did
mention all the Hobey Baker discussions between
the fans of unnamed schools who are all promoting
their hometeam favorite. He mentioned Krog, Drury
and Reasoner and how some school fans are really
promoting their own. When talking about UNH and
how some of their fans feel Krog is the man ... he
speculated that a case could very well be made for
Matile ... which makes a lot of sense to me and
I'm surprised no one has brought this up yet. I'm
still not sure whether Bertagna was talking about
Hockey-L or the message board on USCHO.
On the Lowell goals on Friday night, Boulanger
scored the first ... whacking the puck home from
about 2 feet off the ice...over a sprawled Noble.
Rooney scored the second on a nice two-on-one play
where he was left alone on Noble ... and  pulled
the goalie sideways before slipping it real nicely
between his pads (very similar to a Drury goal the
next night and I wouldn't be surprised if Drury
hadn't remebered that move from watching the game
films from Friday night ... no, I do realize that
its a common goal-scoring move, its just nice to
speculate that Rooney could be showing Drury
something). Tormey got Lowell's third goal through
a screen on the power-play, I believe. Nick Carso
scored a big goal a few minutes later on a play
made by Shannon Basaraba. "Bass" took the puck
down deep on the left side and fed a pass to Carso
who was charging the net. Carso had only one hand
on his stick and deftly redirected the puck up
high past a stunned Noble. Basaraba scored the
fifth which was an unbelievable display of the
prowess Lowell had that night. It looked like a
5-on-3 Lowell powerplay for a good 50 seconds
before Basaraba put it home. :) On BU's final goal
to make it 5-2, O'Connell absolutely mauled Lowell
defenseman Mark Fontas to steal the puck and
score. It was an incredible two-handed trip that
just took Fontas' legs right out from under him
... and left O'Connell all alone on Fillion's
doorstep. How in the hell the BU offical scorer
every credited Sylvia and Drury with assists on
that goal is absolutely beyond me!!!!
Drury seemed incredibly frustrated all night again
and was constantly retaliating without being
called. I'll grant that he gets an awful lot of
attention but it also seems he's getting way too
much leniency from the refs. His temper is getting
worse as he keeps getting away with more and more.
I think he's the greatest talent in HockeyEast but
he seems to be frustrated as of late and maybe all
this Hobey pressure is getting to him somewhat.
Well, if Hobey Pressure is hurting Drury, you
would never know it on Saturday night. He truly
was pehenomenal and played one of the best games
I've seen him play. What a rebound! Great scoring
touch, great forechecking and strong disciplined
play. That Lowell loss might be a real catapult to
his Hobey drive.
What a pleasure it was to see Libett back on the
Lowell blueline. It'll make a world of difference
to have Libett and Nicholishen both healthy. Doug
Nolan returns to the forward ranks and continues
to get stoned. Anyone see that two-on-one where he
shot from the side of the net instead of feeding
an open teamate out front. Nolan is a very
hard-working forward who just doens't have that
scoring touch. Koehler tipped home a great
power-play putting him once again in reach of the
nation lead in powerplay goals. Quite an ironic
feat considering his predecessor at #11 in Lowell
history. When Koehler first broke in with Lowell
as a rookie, I kept making observations at how he
strongly resembled Jeff Daw who last wore his
number and led the nation in power-play goals
while setting HockeyEast records for career
powerplay tallies.
I wonder how Lowell would have fared on Saturday
if Fillion had started the game? Fankhouser
certainly deserved the start though but Fillion
should get both starts this weekend. He's the
stronger goalie and more experienced. Fankhouser
seems to do really well against average opposition
but doesn't have that big game confidence yet. He
would do fine against Merrimack but personally I'd
like to have a hot Fillion ready for BC and UNH.
I'm looking for Northeastern to handle Maine this
weekend ... which will sadly greatly diminish
Lowell's chances for home ice ... BUT, will help
Lowell in two ways. 1.) It'll put us up against
Northeastern in the quarter-finals,  where we are
2-0-1 against the Huskies this year. 2.) It'll
gauarantee we don't go to Alfond.
I'm not so sure Lowell would be best off with home
ice this season. Tsongas isn't actually the
homey-familiar surroundings that the Riverhawks
had in the Tully Forum, although a quarter-final
series would really go a long way in solidifying
the Tsongas as their new home. The home-ice
advantage could be a bit decieving at the
Tsongas...unless of course we ended the seaosn
with wins over Merrimack, BC and UNH at home!!! :)
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