-- [ From: Kepler * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --
How big business is college hockey?
In the spirit of "Net Worth", my humble attempt at a first guess.  I've
tried to guess rather conservatively.
30 D I programs that charge for tickets
75% average rink capacity
4,000 average rink size
$6 average per ticket sold
each of programs above has an average of 15 home dates.
30 x .75 x 4000 x 6 x 15 = $8.1 million in ticket sales.
Not counting tournaments, concessions, merchandise, and other such, $8,000,
000 is not an incredible amount -- but it is not chicken feed either.
   Greg R. Berge
   [log in to unmask]
   "Ne te quaesiveris extra."
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