Now that the ECAC has (unfortunately) gone to the Final Five setup,
does anyone know if the tiebreaker criteria will be changed to reflect
this? In past years the list has been:
1) Head to head record
2) Record vs. Top 4
3) Record vs. Top 8
4) Head to head goals
5) Goals vs. Top 4
6) Goals vs. Top 8
(It's probably goal differential but I can't remember and that's not
the point of this post).
The logical breakdown of teams now is Top 5 (with home ice) and
Top 10 (QF visitors). So it seems logical to change the tiebreakers
to reflect this.
Keith Kannenberg                    Email: [log in to unmask]
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering  Phone: (607) 255-9114
Cornell University                  Web:
Ithaca, NY 14853
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