JJTLSA> had I noticed that for the last several years Miyake had
JJTLSA>been fishing around for something, anything, anywhere, to discredit Pound,
JJTLSA>with a view, for instance, of having him removed from all university
Little do I imagine that there is anyone in this list who is reading
Pound with such a wicked intention. I believe it is needless to say, but
let me dare say this:it is erroneous to bury oneself in Pound's
politico-economic aspect while ignoring his beautiful poems; it is as
much erroneous to read only his beatific visionary passages and turn
one's eyes from his fascist side or antisemitic one. I believe it is most
faithful to Pound's teaching to try to grasp his total intellectual structure,
including his dark sides, since he always emphasized the importance of
paideuma, totality in the culture,...That's all.
Thank you.
 akiyoshi miyake
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