At 12:30 AM 16/01/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Could anyone direct me to a good explanation, or post here a short
>explanation, of the theory of social credit, including where/how Pound
>deviates from Douglas?  I'm afraid I gave it a try with a friend of mine
>today and by the time I was done I had blundered my way into making it
>sound more like communism than anything else.
>Much thanks,
By and large I still stand by the section, "Pound, Douglas, and J. M. Keynes
        I have written a new book on the subject, but it is still being
Leon Surette
Leon Surette                                    Home: 519-681-7787
Dept. of English                                Fax:   519-661-3776
The University of Western Ontario               Email: [log in to unmask]
London, Ontario
N6A 3K7