>Sorry about all the contradictions (do I dontradict myself?  Very well,
>I contradict myself.  I am large.  I contain multitudes.  Hey, come one,
>everyone likes at least one Whitman line. . .)
i love whitman... and contradictions are an important part of life, thuis
their importance in my theories on poetry... contradiction : irony : (in
science) complexity. i'll stop before this turns into a polemic.
>(and had gone through never to return the Beatnik Ginsberg
the beats are important-- as are (esp.) the black mountain poets.
>But you love in spite of, not because of.
>And we all know that if it weren't for EP, there would be no 20th
>century poetry in any form we know it.
(another, louder): amen.
>Neither pound nor ferlinghetti
>are taught, notice.
good point...
>Say it!  No ideas but in things.  Mr.
>Paterson has gone away
>to rest and write.  Inside the bus one sees
>his thoughts sitting and standing.  His
>thoughts alight and scatter
>                      William Carlos Williams
good. i wonder why there is not a williams discussion list???
        There are no hierarchies, no infinite, no such many as mass,
        there are only
        eyes in all heads
        to be looked out of
                             -charles olson, from "letter 6" (of the maximus                                    poems)