On Wed, 28 Jan 1998 13:37:03 -0500 wrote...
>"Paganism included a certain attitude toward; a certain
>understanding of, coitus, which is the mysterium..."
>-- E.P. "Religio", from The Townsman, 1939.
Please tell more.  What did Monica say about E.P.?
>Jonathan P. Gill wrote:
>> Did anyone note that Monica Lewinsky cited Pound on her high school
>> yearbook page?  She obviously didn't school her friend the President in
>> Pound's economics, since he wants to use the federal budget surplus to
>> protect Social Security, as opposed to giving it back to taxpayers--the
>> latter would, I guess, be the kind of "dividend" that Pound thought good
>> government could offer its citizens.
>> Jonathan Gill
>> Columbia University
Robert E. Kibler
Department of English
University of Minnesota
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                fortunatus et ille, deos qui novit agrestis,
                Panaque Silvanumque senem Nymphasque sorores.