my name is jeffrey daniel miller. i am a poet. i'm joining this list in
hopes that i can use the info i get from it to help me in my quest to get
past modernism and post-modernism.
pound is one of the poets i return to the most. i am completely facinated
with his work and his life. since i have started an epic my returns have
been that much more fequent.
i am currently working on an essay approaching pound from the perspective
i've had the hardest time dealing with: political. i am an anarchist. i have
had a breakthru tho (while reading a book that approaches pound and eliot
through their politics-- not condeming or excusing), and am trying to work
my notes into some recognizable form.
if anyone has any insights on the above i would -really- like to hear them.
i am looking forward to the discussions.
thank you for reading.
        There are no hierarchies, no infinite, no such many as mass,
        there are only
        eyes in all heads
        to be looked out of
                             -charles olson, from "letter 6" (of the maximus                                    poems)