Jeff wrote..
>Think I can get a loan.........
I had the opposite feeling.  The numbers floating around are mostly 5.5M
for the remainder of this year (2/3 of a season) and 8.5M for next year.
An AP story had 2M of this year going to Orange County charities, but I
don't know if that will be from the 5.5M or in addition to the 5.5M.
Anyway, I bring this up because these numbers aren't far from what
Disney was offering for a long-term contract.  Kariya seems to be
risking a significant amount of guaranteed money for the hope and
expectation of generally higher salaries and good health in 1.5 years.
I'm happy to see the phenomenally world class person and talent playing
and earning a living again ...
Wayne T. Smith
[log in to unmask]                          Old Town Landing
Co-owner of the College Hockey lists - Hockey-L/Info-Hockey-L/Hockey3