I truly believe that the spirit and skill level we saw last night is what
this team is consistently capable of!  BC is a VERY good team!
Who are these two officials (other than Tuell!)?  I have never noticed them
before!  Where do they come from and what college did they attend? I spoke
with some of the BC fans and they were as frustrated with the officiating as
Maine fans!  They really came close to losing control of the game, I thought.
 Yes, it's okay to do some nasty rotten activity one time and not another?
 Matching penalties where only one was earned (on both sides!)  Letting
someone maul a player at one end, and then turn around and call it at the
other?  Hey, Deron, did you notice the penalties were evened out in the first
period, almost rythmically!  I could hear the sound of circus music as I read
your stats!
Cathy Hart