I'm at your heels...and the entire list is watching me
KICK......(my toe is better now).....you feel it!
>Maybe you're thinking that I'm smarter than I am?
No, but I will agree that you're stranger than I am!
Punish......isn't a word or concept I teach....
Play is.......(-:
Maybe Walsh needs to brush up..... #22 is a psychology major.....
What is it about every Black- Bear- Local...do you guys practice this kind of
on each other, ya know punishment as the great motivator!?  (-:
Primadonnas......oh..... toe dancers......infront of the goalie....great idea
Maybe this is just a case of Wayne being too well *heeled* tonight......
That's the only thing to do there nights ..right.....(just something I've
heard).....please don't tell me what else there is to do at night....
and keep your snow from Maine...we have our own.....
besides I can imagine if I have to....about the snow.....(-: