When I joked about going BALLISTIC over AOL's new Instant Messenger TM
 comparing it to "taking another vehicle out of town fast"...."mobile
tactics" and all....I clearly stated: "and don't think I'm selling anything
here" I mean't it.
Somehow, I had the jump on what was to follow!  (-:
Since that post I've received an invitation and e-mail download to talk on
ICQ by a generous and I'm sure charming subscriber and a note from another
somewhat anonymous  *Netscaper*  who told me I could do "QUITE a bit better
in the selling department".......(-:
Could this be *TRUE* .........and here I thought my *powers to persuade*
(love this expression) were still in tact.......(-:
Well this all goes to prove my initial point that the opposition is alive,
(has successfully infiltrated enemy lines) and is doing business......(-:
For all those who are *aggravated* I'm talking about entrepeneurial (this
means someone who runs his own business at his own risk)  opposition
BTW, wasn't really pitching.....just thought you all might like to know (-:
Next time I'll be sure to write in a disclaimer to my posts stating......*not
really doing business*...(-:
Vicki Price