Disney has never had to pay top dollar for a duck before! (-:
And while contract stalemates are common in pro-sports, the latest issue of
Hockey News replete with negotiation articles attests to that fact....Shark's
Freisen only wants what he calls "market value"....according to the October
17, issue of Hockey News. The Rangers who let Mark Messier get away closed a
deal with The Wayne for a two year extention....and the only mention of Paul
in the latest Hockey News, Duck's notebook clips states: "The Japanese
expressed disappointment that left winger Paul Kariya, the Duck's best player
was not on the trip. Kariya a Group II agent has not yet come to an agreement
with management." PERIOD!
Despite seemingly petty acts (the cornerstone for any bargaining negotiations
be it love or money) this Mega (Mighty) American institution continues to be
the top duck......
Vicki Price