Letter published by subscriber in current issue:
Note: This article reminded me of Maine's honor last season for least penalty
minutes in Hockey East and of course mention of famous former Black Bear.
Junior Hockey simply not producing talent
" Now that the statistics are in, we should officially lament the decline of
major junior hockey as a supplier of top NHL talent.
It is a fluke that only two of the NHL's 40 goal scorers from last season and
just one of the top five scoring defensemen played major junior? Is it
another that its presence is waning on the scoresheet, it is bulging in the
penalty minute column? Sixteen of the 20 PIM leaders are major junior grads.
 Maybe it's time the Canadian Hockey League took a critical look at the game
it's promoting. Personally, I'd rather see a junior system (you think he said
that in error and means MAINE) (-: that promotes and develops
talented players such as PAUL KARIYA rather than just a legion of muckers and
grinders. With 60 per cent of the players coming through the CHL ranks, you'd
think it would be better represented among NHL elite."
Don Carlson, Lake Memphremagog, Quebec
BTW current NHL training camp rosters list lots of (sophomores and juniors)
college players who have signed and given up their college eligibility.
Rosters include JEFF LIBBY of MAINE, Rasmussen of MN, Robitaille of Miami and
Cullen of St. Cloud, to name a few.
Vicki Price