Re: Where are the former Bears?
     John D.
I'd like you to run your Me-Hockey comments past Travis Roy's parents or
Brian Waldo's (CC/WCHA) parents and all those other aspiring players who
never got to prove their metal and whose careers were ended or forever
altered. I'm sure they are mentioned and often on their team's hockey
discussion lists for the real courage it takes to accept and move beyond the
fact that you never again can do the one thing you've worked all your life
That's not mediocre caliber!
If we all lived in a world set up with the standards you propose for
Me-Hockey, "celebrating only those current and former players who excel in
the sport", the whole concept of teamwork and community becomes a mute point.
I think you've been sitting on the wrong side of the bench for too long--the
observer only side.
When you have a kid sitting on that bench you have a lot more empathy for all
the players and you want to honor them all for their contributions regardless
of whether they are or are not on a (whatever) list.
The coaching staff has always said that hockey builds character.
Character doesn't always make a list.........But it's sure worth