Thanks for your upbeat post, Cathy, even if I believe much of it without
foundation (sorry).
That invoice was an abomination in that it shows *exactly* the same
sorts of problems that the recent NCAA investigation showed: lack of
respect for detail and the consumer.
Sure the department is under-funded, but that's no excuse for a poor job.
>Jeesh, Wayne, that post doesn't sound like you!  Not one positive comment!!
> You need a good shot of Maine Hockey to get you going in a positive
Yep, that should do it :)
>The ticket office has implemented a new computer program, ...
A professional approach results in no need to blame it on the computer.
>                                                   ...  Constructive
>comments to Tina I have found very well received, and suggestions
>implemented.  I have forwarded your post on to her.
Thank you!  (though experience would lead me to believe that the
FOMH President gets far different treatment than the rest of us).
>Supporting these teams is an honor.  ...
Perhaps your position is an honor.  The rest of us are customers.
>                                 ...  I don't think the way the billing
>is done now is unusual across college hockey.  Anyone with current experience
>from other schools?
U Maine ranks in the top 5 in the country wrt ticket price.  Several
other schools share the pleasure of a "waiting list".  Many don't and I
don't wish Maine to slip into that other category.
>No schedule will be publicized by the University until it is final.  Sports
>Information is very ootsey about that, I've found, because people like us
>call them complaining if there is a change in a schedule even if they put
>"tentative" in bold print across it!
Bull.  Tentative schedules have been around forever.  Heck, I have one
dated this spring.  FoMH *published* one this spring.  Perhaps the new
SID has trouble measuring the good such a tentative schedule does
compared to not having one.  Selling tickets without giving us a look at
the tentative schedule is unprofessional, IMHO.
>To criticize the case of the letters is really PICKY PICKY PICKY, WAYNE!
You don't have to holler!  :)  All items on the list were picky, but
together show a story that is not picky.  We've been promised an
Athletic Department that would be raised above the past sloppy
practices.  I think it's time we demand an execution with which we can
be proud.
>Of course there will be women's ice hockey at Maine.  ...
I hope so.  The men's team has had fabulous help from large benefactors
and FoMH.  I hope the women's team can make their way to equal
opportunities and facilities, but where will the funding come from?
Has FoMH promised support of a/the women's team?
>Over the past season, I have perceived people reacting to the ticket office
>situation in a way that suggests they feel threatened by the changes or the
>enforcement of rules and /or policies.  No one seems willing to step back and
>take a look, then politely and at an appropriate time (like not in the middle
>of a game!) address concerns to Tina, or to Sue Tyler.  ...
Tina's 1 article to ME-Hockey (that I recall) was abrasive.
I have had several people tell me that they have written to Sue Tyler,
but have received no response.  It's time that we require better
"customer relations", IMHO.
>I hope people begin to realize how vital membership is to the health of the
>program.  I galls me that 5-6,000 people come to every game, yet our
>membership is under 500.  How do folks expect to keep something as marvelous
>as this program, if they don't support it in any other way except buying a
>ticket???  Do they not realize how much FMH membership does to support the
>team??  Last season it was the top money maker for the program, with Fifty
>Fifty sales second!  For the cost of two large pizzas ( At least where my
>family orders from!), they could support something that gives enormous
>payback, much more fun than the indigestion and spare tire from eating the
At one time FoMH had 2-3,000 members.  Anyone care to venture why that
was and what it will take to regain the support.  This and my previous
post form my answer ... what do you all think?
>Wayne, yes, you are among friends!  We all appreciate the time and energy you
>put into this list ...
Deron Treadwell and a faculty/staff person bring you the ME-Hockey
mailing list.  I don't have anything to do with it, except as a
subscriber, occasional writer, and fan of Maine hockey.
Yours in Maine hockey,
Wayne T. Smith                     [log in to unmask]
Old Town Landing