Jeesh, Wayne, that post doesn't sound like you!  Not one positive comment!!
 You need a good shot of Maine Hockey to get you going in a positive
The ticket office has implemented a new computer program, more professional
than before.  As with any new program, it takes a while to make it work the
way you want it to.  I'm sure the forms were not designed by Tina, but were
simply the best available for that program.  Probably more changes will be
coming in future mailings.  It may take some time to get things as user
friendly, although not as labor intensive, as it used to be.  Constructive
comments to Tina I have found very well received, and suggestions
implemented.  I have forwarded your post on to her.
Supporting these teams is an honor.  Having season tickets is a privilege.
 The "thanks" you miss will be more appropriate if mailed with the tickets in
the fall.  Any extra money season tickets cost over the per game amounts is
for the privilege of keeping those seats.  C'mon!!  These seats are a
premium, with a waiting list, and are going to get more valuable as this team
begins it's run at another championship.  I don't think the way the billing
is done now is unusual across college hockey.  Anyone with current experience
from other schools?
No schedule will be publicized by the University until it is final.  Sports
Information is very ootsey about that, I've found, because people like us
call them complaining if there is a change in a schedule even if they put
"tentative" in bold print across it!
To criticize the case of the letters is really PICKY PICKY PICKY, WAYNE!  I
have done a lot of data input and found the style reflects the person at the
keyboard, not neccessarily the implied importance of the message.  Obviously,
the person who put in the names wanted to take the time to do upper and lower
cases, and the one doing the rest didn't!
The other sports ticket offers should be forthcoming in a general ticket
mailing later this month, after we have all had a chance to renew "our"
I have no idea why the media guide was not offered.  Maybe it just wasn't as
popular as we think, and will be available at the store for hockey nuts like
Of course there will be women's ice hockey at Maine.  The University has no
choice, with the poor record of compliance with Title IX.  There should be a
designation between them.
Over the past season, I have perceived people reacting to the ticket office
situation in a way that suggests they feel threatened by the changes or the
enforcement of rules and /or policies.  No one seems willing to step back and
take a look, then politely and at an appropriate time (like not in the middle
of a game!) address concerns to Tina, or to Sue Tyler.  I have had nothing
but great results from talking to these folks.  I suggest you all do the
same.  They are both email-able, and very responsive.  In light of all the
changes and the budget problems at the U, we ALL have to realize it just
cannot go on the way it was!  Cost effective procedures and other perhaps
less warm and fuzzy ways of doing things have got to be taken with a little
more patience from us, as these folks, for the most part, seem to be doing
the work of at least two people, in the time of one.  let's give them a
little more maneuvering room, okay?!?!?!
Wayne and Pooka, thanks for answering Jeff Courtney's request for info on
Alumni Weekend.  I have been holding off posting for set in stone data, but
you all jumped the gun on me!  Our newsletter will have more info, coming out
at the end of the month!  The party at MacMillan's is not open to the public.
 The barbecue at 2pm will be open everyone, but to Friends of Maine Hockey
members at a reduced rate.  Another benefit of membership!  One change,
though.  The Alumni Game is at 4pm.
I hope people begin to realize how vital membership is to the health of the
program.  I galls me that 5-6,000 people come to every game, yet our
membership is under 500.  How do folks expect to keep something as marvelous
as this program, if they don't support it in any other way except buying a
ticket???  Do they not realize how much FMH membership does to support the
team??  Last season it was the top money maker for the program, with Fifty
Fifty sales second!  For the cost of two large pizzas ( At least where my
family orders from!), they could support something that gives enormous
payback, much more fun than the indigestion and spare tire from eating the
Wayne, yes, you are among friends!  We all appreciate the time and energy you
put into this list and how much you miss hockey!  The Alumni Game should make
the time between April and October a little easier to bear!   If you need a
fix before that, I have an extensive library of tapes of games going back
YEARS!!!  We can put a couple burgers on the grill, wear our Maine jerseys,
and cheer like we don't know the score at the buzzer!!
Cathy Hart