In a message dated 97-06-20 21:10:23 EDT, [log in to unmask] (Wayne Smith)
<< The Maine Ice Hockey Alumni weekend is this July 18-21.  I think there
 is a golf tourny on Monday the 21st.
 There is expected to be a BBQ at 2pm and the alumni hockey scrimmage at
 4:30pm on Sunday July 20.
 The events and times are subject to change, I suspect, and these were
 things I heard a month or two ago. >>
:::::hanging head in shame::::: I should have posted about this waaaay long
ago.  My hubby is on the Alumni committee!
I'm sorry to say I doubt there is any room left in the golf match for Monday,
July 21st.  The sponsors for the holes went very quickly and they had first
dibs on a foursome.  They will get to *bid* on a hockey alumni for their 5th
player at a party Sat. night.  I don't think this is open to the public, but
I'm sure YOU all would have no problem attending if you know the MacMillians
;-)  There is a barbeque on campus Sun. before the hockey game.  As you can
tell, I don't have this info in front of me!  I think Wayne's times are
I'll ask Vinal if there is any more room in the golf game if anyone is
interested.  It's at PVCC with a barbeque afterwards.