>Posted on 6 Jun 1997 at 17:13:55 by Karen/Greg Ambrose
>McCloskey Leaves UNH for Dartmouth
>well as today's Foster's Daily Democrat (Dover, NH):
>UNH Assistant Hockey Coach Brian McCloskey has accepted the position of
>Associate Head Coach at Dartmouth College.
This is a great move by Bob Gaudet. McCloskey did a superb job as an
assistant to Gaudet at Brown from 1988 to 1992. He was responsible for
recruiting many of the players on those very good Brown teams of the
early and mid-90s. In addition, he was an excellent motivator and a great
presence in the locker room.
>My comments:  This is a great loss for UNH.  Brian was an excellent
>recruiter and a great addition to the bench for UNH.  He has an extremely
>intense personality, and will surely be missed by the coaches, players and
>the fans.
I can certainly understand what you're saying.
>This is certainly not the news I wanted to hear this summer!
I couldn't agree more... :-)
Luiz F. Valente
Brown University
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