Neff almost has a clue.
Some people, as Neff suggests, read the BDN for entertainment and don't
want "joyless stories".
However, the problems many people have with the BDN and its sports
editor(ializer) are with the insidious editorializing, often negative.
In story after story, and not just with Maine hockey, BDN preaches and
moralizes rather than reports the news.
When Maine people discard the idea of a "Sound Off" column by not
writing, BDN writers take the "opportunity" to again voice their
personal opinions.
I used to complain about Larry Mahoney's formula writing, but he's far
and away the star sports reporter now at BDN.
How sad that Neff can cite attributes of the professional reporting that
we all want, yet he and his editor cannot execute in their daily
business.  Bud Leavitt and his predecessors must be rolling in their
graves :-(
I've got to get an opinion on this someday :)     Discuss!
wayne smith
old town landing