Thanks, Dan, for the first good laugh I've had in days!!
Did I get kicked off a list and not realize it?  I haven't seen any of these,
and as all of you know, I am not one to leave any challenge on the table!
Troy is typical of a certain mentality that grabs an excuse for personal
failure and says "My mind is made up - Don't confuse me with the facts"!  I
have read quite a few of them on AOL's hockey boards, and fought them pretty
much alone until this season when I was joined by a couple of true blue Black
Bear fans who took the pressure off.  I guess what I'm saying is, Dan,
although you seem to be handling Troy easily, if you want reinforcements
we're out there!
Addressing the cheating accusation is tough, because most of these blatherers
do not have an argument, they are simply repeating distortions others have
screamed, and "a lie repeated long enough becomes the truth".  I guess the
most convincing argument has to be made on the ice, but I will personally
issue an invitation to Troy for our pre game rallies and post game celebration
s at the Fleet next season!!
How many days 'til Midnight Madness?!?
Cathy Hart