He was unhappy with the officiating, and chose that way to express himself.
 He did not get a delay of game bench penalty.  At that time, it was common
for the officials to be the same both nights of a weekend series, but his
temper tantrums ensured that the next night there was a different set of
officials on the ice.   That is why it was imperative to include the water
bottle in my gift box!
That Saturday was also the night that some wonderful Maine fan had printed up
Parker Buster (like Ghost Buster) signs.  The students got into jeering
Parker big time.  After the game a student frind of mine who had been holding
one of the signs came up to me and told how a BU fan had physically assaulted
her, pounding on her head and shoulders before people restrained her.  Turned
out she was Parker's daughter!  Apples don't fall far from the tree......
Strange how it can all come back to you!!