Tonight the Portland Pirates lost to the Fredericton Canadiens
5-3 (despite having 49 SOG).  The game marked Jason Mansoff's
last game with the Pirates, as he will be returning to Orono to
finish his degree.  He played in seven games with the P's,
I was able to see three, including his first back on March 2,
and his last two this weekend.  That first night he was probably
tired, having played in Orono the night before, but he really
didn't look it.  In the two weeks since, he has shown that he
has a place in the Pirates future, and has indicated this is where
he'd like to play.  Unfortunately I left my paper at home, but if you
have access to the Maine Sunday Telegram, Mike Lowe wrote an
excellent piece on Jason in today's paper.  It should be available
on the PPH web site (
It's a shame Jason is leaving (although I commend him for returning
for his degree), but I look forward to seeing him back in Portland
next fall.
John Forsyth
   Assistant Coach - North Yarmouth Academy - 1997 Class A Champs!