ECAC (3)
        clarkson, vermont, probably one of cornell, princeton, or rensselaer
HOCKEY EAST (2 or 3)
        bu, unh, and the tourney winner,
CCHA (3 most likely)
        michigan miami probably michigan state.  bowling green must
        win the tourney to go
WCHA (3 or 4)
        denver, north dakota, minnesota and one of st. cloud or cc
Here'as the data as of today that I used
Win regular Season Slot
        michigan                1
        north dakota            4
        clarkson                2
        boston university       10
Ranked, eliminated, not going
        maine                   6
Ranked, eliminated, likely  going
        vermont                 5
ECAC still playing
        princeton               15
        rensselaer              16
        cornell                 12
Hockey East
        mass lowell             under .500
        new hampshire           7
        boston c                under .500
        michigan state          11
        bowling green           18
        miami                   8
        colorado college        13
        denver                  9
        st. cloud               14
        minnesota               3
         charlie shub   University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
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