I have on my calendar that these go on sale tomorrow, folks.  Get em while
you can!
And Danny, keep on posting!  I believe one of the major reasons that Maine
Hockey  teams before the NCAA investigation were so popular with the public
was because the players were so accessible!!  We knew them.  They were at all
kinds of functions, from reading with sick kids at EMMC, to clinics and the
media, oh gosh,everywhere.  They let us know what they needed from us as fans
to help them succeed on the ice.  You are still doing that.  THANKS!!
Many people were scared by the investigation into thinking that no contact is
safe.  BUT I say, let's get to know these great young men.  They are
unfailingly polite, kind and admirable, and they epitomize what is best about
MAINE HOCKEY.  They are their own best advertisement, if you will let me use
that word, for building fan support!!