This is sorta long, but bear with me.
The first UMaine hockey game I attended was against Boston University in
November,1993 (forgive me for missing the prior year but I wasn't even in the
state until that year).
I fell in love with this sport during that game.  And it wasn't just the team
either (sorry guys).  The Alfond was packed and was loud.  It was a great
atmosphere.  The Naked Five were there and they helped to get the crowd even
louder.  I don't think I remember a game from that day until the end of last
season (I moved) that was that loud or that packed.  Blue Line Club had alot
of members  (which dwindled dramatically over the next two years).  I don't
know what changed with the fans.  They stopped coming to the games and if
they were there they were barely audible.  The team didn't do that well (well
not 42-1-2 well).  I wish I had the reasons for the support drop off, but it
didn't suddenly arise when the violations were reported.  It had been
happening already (and with a team that was doing well).  I was in BLC for
two years, my last as Chair for Membership.  It was like pulling teeth to get
people to go to the games (and I was only trying to get them to fill the
seats at the games, not necessarily join BLC).  There was always something
better to do. (What I still do NOT know.  I managed to make it to every game
and didn't feel like I was missing anything).  Once the University reported
it's findings after their own investigation, it was like someone placed a
bomb threat on the Alfond.  No one wanted to be there.
Now that the team is trying to get back on track, I think the University
should do everything in its power to get the students more involved.  I know
when I was in the admissions process I was told that UMaine had just won the
Championship. (never having been to Maine before I had no idea how important
that was)  My last year at UMaine, I actually met people who not only didn't
hear that the University won a Championship, but they didn't know Maine had a
good (great) hockey team.
The students should be where they can be heard.  If the best place is the
balcony then put them there.  Have students designated to go around to the
different sections and get the crowd more involved (it has worked in the past
(Naked Five as one example).
The Skate with the Bears is a great idea, but I went to last years and it is
mostly kids out there on the ice with them.  Maybe a student only Skate with
the Bears should also be implemented.
Right now it seems that students seem pretty lethargic when it comes to
supporting a team and it is a shame.  I, however, cannot imagine not going to
at least one game (even if only the Blue and White game) and not coming away
a fan for life.  UMaine has a great team and it is a team that should be
supported to the fullest (NO matter what).
Just my LONG $.02 worth.
UMaine '96