Responding to Heather Jordans post :
If your home towners know Shawn Walsh, it is because he worked 16 - 20 hour
days, 7 days a week, and moved this program from yawn to national
championship, mainly through the sheer force of personality.  That made him
media fodder.  That is why your local folks have heard of his name.  If you
want facts, you wouldn't have half the success, or half the youth hockey
programs or half the game revenue or half the national attention without
Walsh.  If he was, as Heather alleges, half the problem, he is more than half
the solution.  The mission of UMaine, officially or unofficially has always
been excellence.  He worked hard toward that goal, and is back working hard
toward it again.  Give the man a chance.
Representative Mayo is welcome to his opinion.  I continue to be amazed that
he doesn't seem to be listening to what I hear is the majority of his
constituents, and dropping the issue.  Most people I speak to, (and contrary
to my public self, I have a wide range of interests that take me all over the
state) believe that Coach Walsh has done his time and should be welcomed
back.  They believe that if a person is sincere in apology, and has been
dignified in punishment, they deserve the chance to redeem themselves.  He's
done that.  Drop the issue.