    First, not enough can be said for the job Greg Cronin did as interim Head
   Coach. I believe he would have made a good replacement for Walsh if given
   the chance. I feel the term interim hurt Cronin's ability to truly call
   the team his own.
    With that said Coach Walsh has this team flying. This is the best 2 games
   I've seen Maine play in quite awhile. The fact Maine played well 2 nights in
   a row is exciting and hopefully this will continue. Maine seems to have 4
   good lines which should give most teams trouble trying to match up. I believe
   Maine has a shot at B.U. Saturday night with decent goaltending from Alfie.
    The one disappointing thing from this weekend had to do with the Crowds.
   Its great people showed up to see the team with Shawn but the so called
   Maine fans should have been there without Shawn as well. These kids needed
   and deserved sellouts without Shawn.
   p.s. remember speed kills, ask providence about maine's 4th line of
        Parmentier,S. Mansoff and Larose