At 10:44 AM -0500 12/16/96, Robert Svec wrote:
> This is the first time I felt compelled to write to The Maine Hockey
> Discussion List.   The immature call by the sports editor of the BDN for
> Shawn Walsh to be fired and the continuous flow of anti-Maine editorials is
> beyond belief.
Was this something different that I didn't see?  The column posted last
week didn't say anything about firing Walsh.
> As for Rep. Art Mayo it appears as if we have a man who likes publicity not
> unlike A1 Bob Dornan.
I don't know Art Mayo or anything about him, but I wouldn't be so quick to
dismiss everything said by people who think Walsh should not return.
Better to understand the reasons why and then challenge those.  As an
outsider, I can see reasons why he should return and reasons why he should
not.  Call it walking the fence, but I'm just glad the decision was not
mine to make.
---                                                                   ---
Mike Machnik                [log in to unmask]               *HMM* 11/13/93
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