To All,
The reason that you will sometimes hear "Duke" Shegos, is simply because that is
MARK'S nickname. I have the "luxury" of having my games refereed by both Mark
and Matt Shegos, and I worked with Mark for over a year.
So If you see or hear a refernce to Duke Shegos, it is MARK.
Also, for those of you who have never seen the two Shegos' referee, Mark is
taller (5'11") and has blond hair, while Matt is shorter (5'7") and has dark
Let me tell you from experience, both Matt and Mark are very good referees. Sure
you may disagree with their calls, but from a player's perspective they are the
best for one reason, CONSISTENCY. When we saw them come onto the ice, we (the
players) knew exactly what would be called and what would not be called. That's
all you want from the referee.
With every game there are "bad" or "questionable" calls, but if they are
consistent both ways, then who benefits?....The players.
Craig Lisko
Ferris State Bulldogs 1990-1994
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