As I get set to return to Cornell for the Spring semester (I've been in
Philly co-oping with Lockheed) I feel inclined to make a few coments on
what others have said about the Big Red:
Billy Lutgarden commented:
"        There was virtually no Colgate fan presence tonight.  I think
this is largely due to the fact that it is on Tuesday night.  That makes
it very difficult for Colgate students to cartrip to and from the game in
Ithaca.  Do the schedulemakes take such things into consideration at
all when making schedules?"
        I can't ever recall a Colgate presence at Lynah.  This was better
for them than in pervious years, where their students have been still on
break for the home-and-home series in January.  And this game was
originally scheduled for that time period originally, until it was
moved.  I wonder if that's why, or if it has something to do with the
potential match-up in the Syracuse tournament.  The former seems
unlikely, since there still is a game scheduled that week, but maybe
those in Hamilton just didn't want two games the week before the end of
break.  of course, i don't knoiw when Colgate's break ends exactly this
year.  there was a bit of a presence at the playoff series last spring,
but not a huge one.  No more really than other NY teams tend to bring.
Maybe i'm deluded by the fact that they were largely silent for those two
I ahve a few issues with the bottom of Gerg's grading chart:
27      DAILEY          B       C       C       B               2.00
4       ADLER           C       C       C       B               1.00
5       CHAD W.         C       C       B       C               1.00
14      CLEGG           C       B       C       C               1.00
24      KENDALL         C       C       C       B               1.00
20      OATES           C       C       C       C               0.00
22      SACCHETTI       C       C       C       C               0.00
12      STIENSTRA       C       C       C       C               0.00
I think you have severly underated Dailey, Chad, and Jeff Oates.  Kendall
and Adlers B's are perhaps generous, also, though i haven't seen enough
Adler really to say much.  Just because Kendall takes a lot of penalties,
and hits hard doesn't mean he checks well.  I don't really think he does.
Oates' skating deserves a B, I think.  He does leave his feet a little
too much, but his ability to create chances for himself by use of speed
offsets that enough to warrant a B.  This is based on early season
observations, I've missed the last 4 games, but I saw Oates do a lot of
nice things.  Shoot perhaps desewrves a D for Oates, since he failed to
score on all those nice chances, but that's beside the point.
For all the offensive skill Chad has demonstrated this year, I'd think he
could muster better than a 1.00 rating.  He skates better than a C.  He
certainly shoots better than a C.  His checking probably doesn't warrant
a B, but his passing does deserve at least the B he's been given.
Dailey deserves an A for skating.  he's provided the nicest end to end
play I've seen this year, missing of course some of the more recent play
in the last week and a half.  He's done excellently in that department.
The rest of his grades i won;t take issue with.
Bergin has learned to shoot.  His blast against Vermont was a great shot,
and he's doing so much better near the net than last year.  Give him an A.
Kovac, while doing a great job, I don't think qualifies as the best
checker on the team.  Papp gets that hands down.  Move the A+ to Jaime,
give him a rocking 7.00 for the season to date.
I've been giving away a lot of grades, might i take a bit:  No, not
really.  No one's been particularly weak, although i'm a little
dissapointed that the 6-4 defenseman isn't a little more Solid with a
capital S.(Sacchetti)  Tymchyshyn's been great, Moynihan is everything he
was suppossed to be.  I even like the way he does try to be physical.  He
still gets a C for the actual result, but the effort is good to see, and
he'll have more success eventually.
Last comments:
        Chad at forward.  That makes 2 defensemen who've played some time
at forward this year (Burgoyne did against Waterloo).  Two years ago what
defensemen on the Big Red ahd displayed anything resembling the
puckhandling skills to do that?  Even last year.  It says a lot about the
difference in offensive style between Schafer and McCutcheon.  With Brian
it was dump it over all the team.  The last two years we've seen a lot
more carrying the puck across the line, and the change in success,
especially on the PP (30% - Wow!) is amazing and clear as day.
        Finally, a loss to Yale moves the Red up in the Polls.  A one
goal loss to Miami, the #5 team in the country, moves them back down.
What did LSSU do last weekend?  Win 3 close ones over UAF, the "best 2-12
team in hockey"  I'm a little confused.  But then, hey, they're polls.
They aim to confuse.  Logic does not apply, apparently.  Oh well.
        One hockey fan's opinions on a young, but highly eventful season
thus far.  The surprises are many, and glorious, and there are many more
games to be played.
Destination:  Ann Arbor -- January 7th.  I look forward to it with much
More Big Red Hockey this weekend.  Union-RPI in town.  Finally games I
get to see.
BTW, did anyone try to tune in on audionet to the Miami game.  I got
Miami-Xavier BBall instead.  Boy was I peeved.
Larry Weintraub '98
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